Shallow Landslides
A shallow landslide is a natural phenomenon that involves depth of soil up to 2 meters.
Sometimes these events leading to disaster in economic or even human terms.
One important aspect is related to the triggering of instability: the causes can be heavy rainfall, earthquakes, and so on.
Prevention procedures may be different: soil stabilization (various techniques), alerts in real time, rainfall mitigation, etc.
Our research group is focused on the following main topics:
Big data management and processing aimed at the application of SLIP (integrated platform X-SLIP, both in MATLAB and Python languages)
Work in progress:
Stabilization of the slopes through the vegetation (root cohesion)
Susceptibility assessment of shallow landslides with machine and deep learning
Prediction of shallow landslide paths
Impact and interference assessment of shallow landslides with infrastucture
Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics
UniversitĂ degli Studi di Brescia
Via Branze, 43 - 25121 Brescia (Italy)